Es Seregalls - Farm tours

Understand why the Serra de Tramuntana is a World Heritage Site with an olive grove walking tour

Es Seregalls give a unique opportunity to visitors to understand the life and being of the Tramuntana. The back breaking work of generations created these olive and fig growing terraces which have nourished all generations. The olives and figs this area are unique and a taste of the mountains.

Es Seregalls is a family farm located in the unique surroundings of the Serra de Tramuntana, in Es Marroig, in Fornalutx. The respect for the olive trees and terraces plus the desire to continue the work of our ancestors in a sustainable way have taken the owners on a journey that they wish to share with everyone who is interested in this way of life.

Most visitors arrive on foot and walk from Fornalutx along the mountain roads with spectacular views of the Valley. On arrival you are welcomed by the family who love to share their precious land and story with you. Wander the terraces, admire the trees, stop and sit a while and catch the bird song. This is a most authentic experience and can’t be rushed. A picnic to enjoy wherever you choose to sit, is provided, and the taste of the mountains and its bounty is in every bite.

You will find the oldest olive tree and the new grafts co existing. You will find figs being dried and olives being collected for sale in the Co operativa. You will find sustainability and a zero-carbon footprint as the elements co-exist.

You will leave having had a glimpse of the real world of the Sierra de Tramuntana. We hope you visit us soon.