Gosh - where do we start? This story is about two very different people and their love for one very special place!
Shirley and Tracey came to live in Mallorca for very different reasons but both have been working towards the development and creation of this central tool for many years - without really realising it!
Below are our stories - this business is absolutely about us, about the effort we put into the website and the facebook page, our feelings for where we live and our joy of sharing our paradise with you.
If you bump into us at any time - please stop us and say hello !
Shirley Roberts and Tracey Ivell
SHIRLEY - I am a communicator of the Soller Valley. I believe passionately in the exchange of information both in the history of a place, its people and the events that occur. In my opinion shared information creates friendships, enhances experiences and makes the world an interesting place to live.
I relocated to Soller as part of a three generational relocation almost ten years ago. Prior to that we had a holiday home on the Repic Beach in the Port of Soller and enjoyed more and more time here before making the move. We were not novices of the Valley - indeed we knew it well but we still struggled for information about events and happenings. I always knew that one day I would be part of the solution to communicate to those that want to hear the story of the Hidden Valley and what goes on here on a daily basis.
I came here from London where my career in Hotels, New Homes Sales , Journalism and the Magistracy had one thing in common – the ability to communicate! I am married to long suffering Trevor and am fortunate to have my daughter, son in law and three wonderful granddaughters living up the road in Soller. We live between Soller and the Port in L'horta – the stop on the Tram line where the Tram stops without ringing the bell – the half way point between the two.
Jay is a Yoga teacher for Earth Yoga, Matthew a Manager of the Avenida Hotel in Soller, two of the girls are at Bellver College in Palma and one in our great local school in the Port of Soller. My family history wouldn't be complete without the mention of Reg – our schnauzer dog that keeps us fit and entertained!
I have a full life in Mallorca and am privileged to be part of the Georgie Insull Singers which means I hot foot it twice a week into Palma for choir practise. We sing for three charity concerts each year plus many weddings and funerals. Life in all its manifestations keep us busy. Back in Soller I have been known to join the Ladies of Minerva on a Tuesday night for their Line Dancing sessions and the Soller Craft Club for the weekly stitch and bitch. I am often to be found in Soller Square enjoying coffee and the theatre of life that is played out every day. The summer afternoons, work permitting I will be found on the beach at the Repic end of things. This was my first love in the Port of Soller and old habits die hard.
I love this place, its people, its irritations and eccentricities and I look forward to sharing all this and more with you. I hope you enjoy the ride ...

TRACEY - Possibly Canada, America, Guernsey, France (an old version of the TV program "A Place in the Sun" features our younger selves), Madiera, Portugal, Australia.....all were considered, some in great depth! After trying to get pregnant for many years our decision was to do something different....a new place....a new adventure!
As we stared at the map I said "Mallorca".......David looked at me aghast, "I went there when I was 18 on a boys holiday - no way!"....."But if you havent seen the North West coast then you havent seen Mallorca" was my dreamy reply remembering great holidays here when I was young.
And so began our joint love affair with our corner of this Mallorcan paradise.
The house was bought, the ferry and removals booked.......when we found out I was pregnant with twins!
Wow, a new country, a new language, a new family.....a whole new life!
Rosy and Isabel are now teenagers and our lives have changed in many ways - but our love for Soller and The Tramuntana valley has never waivered. David has been like many on the Island - an easyjet commuter to a job in London in order that lives are full and the girls school fees are paid! It is only when you start talking to others with children that you realise how many work off the island in order to fund their lives here! For many life reasons we have flitted between living in the UK and Mallorca but no matter where we live at any time our hearts reside in Binairaix!
My working life has always been in Business and IT. I have worked for large companies as a Business Analyst and others as a consultant. My Mallorcan life led me to Web Design, using my experience to help new business startups to tackle the IT challenges they faced.
I bought the webname www.sollerweb.com back in 2007 but it took quite a while, meeting up with Shirley and then working through and developing our ideas, to see that vision come to reality. I'm a web designer who believes that you need a great up to date website, that is constantly changing, and that works totally alongside the world of social media in which we all now live. Many people seem to think that social media is the golden chalice - but without a well designed website Shirley's wonderful stories about the Valley and all the great photos that we use on a day to day basis would disappear into the distance.
Give Soller and the Tramuntana a voice.....tell everyone about the wonderful events that we take for granted.....let people know that they can take their own burgers to barbeque at the local fiestas..... tell them about the Deia bar that has live music next week, or the residents discount at the 5 star health spa for the winter months......
One place....... Our Vision..... Our Paradise.......Join Us!